The Dreaded T Word...

OK, first things first, this isn't something I wanted to think about really... Perhaps that is why I haven't really been blogging for a while? Well, to be honest I've had a lot on, what with my graduation (yes, I graduated with a Ph.D. back in July!) and starting this new job, and I just feel a bit... tired I guess, add to add to that I've been doing some freelance writing too, and therefore I just wanted to zone out in the evenings I had free... But then this article ("Engineered pig lung transplant 'a success' ") was published, and then it was a case of "I really should write this post...".

You see, I like to pretend that I'm ok, and to an extent that is true. However, PH does like to let you know that it hasn't gone away, and this is very uncomfortable sometimes! And unfortunately, the fact that I am on intravenous medication means that there are less options down the line if I start to decline. Despite the fact that I am stable, the fact remains that my pressures are still high, and this lead to the "Dreaded T Word" - transplant. The last resort option.

Now, I don't need a transplant (and I don't ever want to be in the position of needing one in the future), but nevertheless I had to go for a consultation with a transplant clinic - this is more so that the team there are aware of me, and it's not a case of having to rush me through the process in the future should I get really unwell. Great. Just great. One appointment I really didn't want to have to go to, and definitely not helped by the fact that public transport decided to be a nightmare that day! It really did shake me, and the fact that I was preparing to move for this new job really didn't help matters either...

But you know what? - the fact is that I want to fight against this more than I did before attending the appointment! Don't get me wrong, transplant is a life changing opportunity and I am in no way against the procedure, but the reality of it all just really scares me so much that I personally want to do everything I can to not go there - does that make sense? I think it's incredible that people are selfless enough to donate their or their loved one's organs, and research like the one above will hopefully improve things for the future...

Sorry to come back with such a heavy topic, but I think I actually needed to write this...!
